Unicado Business Minimal Brochure 15189567
Please check all pages in high details on ISSUU: http://issuu.com/kahunadesign/docs/a5_brochure , | A4 + A5 + US Letter sizes of Adobe InDesign Project, |Change color to another with one click in swatches connected color, | 6 InDesign files (CC + CS4), | 24 pages, | Paragraph styles included, | CMYK – 300dpi, | Print Ready. | 2 MB
Please check all pages in high details on ISSUU: http://issuu.com/kahunadesign/docs/a5_brochure , | A4 + A5 + US Letter sizes of Adobe InDesign Project, |Change color to another with one click in swatches connected color, | 6 InDesign files (CC + CS4), | 24 pages, | Paragraph styles included, | CMYK – 300dpi, | Print Ready. | 2 MB