Videohive - Earth Zoom Toolkit Pro v1.1 - 21391606 (Updated 12 March 18)
Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015
Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CC 2015
How To Install
To install EarthZoomToolkitPro.zxp file you will need to download Extension Manager for that. We recommend, Anastasiy’s Extension Manager. It offers not only installation but also updating and uninstalling.
After install ZXP installer, open it and select After Effects CC from list on the left, then click Install, and locate downloaded EarthZoomToolkitPro.zxp file. Works with CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018
Earth Zoom Toolkit Pro CEP Extension. This amazing panel let’s you choose locations from inside of AE, download maps and animates the project. All in one click!
No 3rd Party Add Ons for Browsers
Highly detailed earth/space scenes
10k earth textures
6 SciFi Environments – Drag n’ drop SciFi elements to your scene to WOW your viewers!
17 Animated Callbacks – Dran n’ drop Callbacks to present your content on zoomed in maps. Text Callback, Media Callback, Signal, Pointer, Marker…
12 Earth Controls – These controls allow you to completely change the look of the earth.
No plug ins! No prerenders! 100% After Effects out of the box pushed to it’s limits!
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